Stealth Address
The Stealth Address System
BSAP (Basic Stealth Address Protocol)
sender: A = aG
receiver: B = bG
sender and receiver can compute a shared secret c using the ECDH:
c = H(abG) = H(aB) = H(bA)
senderはephermeral destination addressのcGへ送金。
receiverはprivate keyのcを知っているのでbGに送ることができる。
1. ephemeral destination address は固定されているので両者をリンキングしやすい。
2. private key cを両者で共有している分、senderはpayment取り消し可能。
ISAP (Improved Stealth Address Protocol)
sender: an ephemeral key pair: R = rG -> transmits it with the transaction
receiver: B = bG
Both the sender and receiver can compute a shared secret c using the ECDH:
c = H(rbG) = H(rB) = H(bR)
senderはephemral destination addressのcG + Bに送金。
receiverのみがそのprivate keyのc+bを知っているので送金可能。
DKSAP(Dual-Key Stealth Address Protocol)
scan public key: S = sG
spend public key: B = bG
ephemeral key pair: R = rG
transmits it with the tx
Both can compute a shared secret
c = H(rsG)=H(rS)=H(sR)
⬆️のアドレスはcG+B or (c+b)Gで計算可能。
targetのstealth addressを知ることができるので、
ただし、spendはprivate keyのc+bを知らないと無理。
Faster Dual-Key Stealth Address for Blockchain-Based Internet of Things Systems
modified DKSAP in aztec
A stealth address has two public/private key pairs.
a scan key: V = vG
an issue key: S = sG
generates an ephemral key pair: B = bG
constructs a DH shared secret x = H(vbG) = H(bV) = H(vB)
note's spending key - destination
Q = S + xG (i.e. private key: s + x)
それぞれのnoteごとにephemeral key Bはpublish。
scan keyによりspendできない権限でwalletに発行されたnoteを見ることができる。
viewing key : note decryption
a : x mod p
Private Keys in Monero
Private spend key -> One-time private keys for stealth addresses
Can a One-Time public key be used for more than one payment?
stealth addressの衝突は不可能
同じstealth address利用はキーイメージの衝突に。